pcduino / kernel

kernel source files for pcDuino
45 stars 34 forks source link

好多细节问题,会导致编译失败. #6

Open 1587 opened 9 years ago

1587 commented 9 years ago

1.sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6 libstdc++6 dos2unix 2.sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0- 3.cd script && find . -exec dos2unix {} \; && 4.cd patch && find . -exec dos2unix {} \; 5.cd allwinner-tools/bins && chmod u+x 6.chmod u+x allwinner-tools/fsbuild/fsbuild 7.chmod u+x allwinner-tools/dragon/dragon 8.find . -name *.sh -exec chmod u+x {} \; 9.scripts/mk_hwpack.sh
-U_O_PATH="build/$UBOOT_CONFIG-u-boot" -K_O_PATH="build/$KERNEL_CONFIG-linux" +U_O_PATH="build/${UBOOT_CONFIG}-u-boot" +K_O_PATH="build/${KERNEL_CONFIG}-linux" 10.make

franz-josef-kaiser commented 8 years ago

Translation of the title (using Google Translate):

A lot of the details, will cause the compiler to fail