pcfthecf / homework-landingpage

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Feedback for Assignment #3 #2

Open barryross opened 8 years ago

barryross commented 8 years ago

FEWD Week #3 Project: CSS Layouts


Student: Portia Fuentes

Project URL: https://github.com/pcfthecf/homework-landingpage

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Use in-line-block or floats in your CSS to achieve a two-column layout x
Use the correct Open Sans Google Font typeface to style the text denoted in the design file and according to the JPEG provided x
Use proper filename conventions (lowercase, .html) x
Use a single external CSS stylesheet to style all pages x
Use <img> tags for the headers of the posts x
Add a hover effect to all the links using pseudo-classes x
Integrate drop caps using pseudo-classes x
TOTAL: 12/14
barryross commented 8 years ago

Hey Portia, great work on this assignment as well! The main thing was that I left a mark off b/c we were looking for you to use a pseudo-class like "::first-letter" to achieve the drop caps effect. I gave you a mark because of your creative solution ! I will be posting a sample solution tomorrow that you will able to reference as an example!

The other one was for file-naming conventions like those I just mentioned on assignment #2

Here is a link for some more info:

barryross commented 8 years ago

btw...great work on the wireframes, and thank you for remembering to submit those too!

barryross commented 8 years ago

Oh, as for the image question you had, can you please put an image back in your code so it creates the problem you encountered, make a commit, push it to your repo and Slack me so I can have a look at the issue you were having? Thanks! 👍