pckhib / node-red-contrib-spotify

Node-RED node for Spotify Web API
MIT License
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getPlaylist & getPlaylistTracks return error #6

Open stoneobscurity opened 5 years ago

stoneobscurity commented 5 years ago

passing a string payload of the playlist ID fails. tried with several IDs.

{"_msgid":"2a34ac6e.e158c4","topic":"","payload":"37i9dQZF1DWTSKFpOdYF1r","error":"WebapiError: Not Found"}

jeroenhe commented 5 years ago

What client scope did you use when setting up OAuth authorization?

I'm asking because I experienced the same error for the getUserPlaylists request. I found out it was caused by 1) the authorization scope not being wide enough (I am now using playlist-read-collaborative,playlist-read-private,user-library-modify,playlist-modify-public,user-library-read,user-top-read,playlist-modify-private,user-read-currently-playing,user-read-recently-played,user-modify-playback-state,user-read-playback-state) 2) I mixed up requesting the playlist for a user for which I didn't authorize the token, thus the list returned being empty (Not Found)