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Customer List Flow Routing #15

Open bamboochow opened 1 year ago

bamboochow commented 1 year ago

Add Customer Empty State

In a new account, this empty state page should be displayed Add Customer: [Link to /add-customer] After adding a customer, user should be rerouted to /customers with the new customer updated to the list, and NOT this page in the screenshot.


Duplicate Customer Empty Page

There is an empty state page and a link that is duplicate in our site.


This page can be accessed through https://browtricks-ui-components.pages.dev/customers-list However, it shows a different empty state page from /add-customer. This UI should not exist.

The correct linking should be:

  1. User is shown empty state /customers because they have not added a customer yet. User clicks /add-customer button
  2. Customer is added through /add-customer
  3. User is redirected to /customers , which should now show the list of customers displayed currently in the screenshot below from /customers-list
  4. User should be able to /add-customer through the updated /customers page (see button in screenshot below)
  5. Clicking a customer on the /customers list should open /customers-edit for that customer


Duplicate Customer Edit Empty Page

There is an empty state page is duplicate in our site.


This page can be accessed through https://browtricks-ui-components.pages.dev/customers-edit However, customer edit pages should only be accessible via /customers. This UI should not exist. The correct linking should be: Clicking a customer on the /customers list should open /customers-edit for that customer.