pcl-labs / browtricks-ui-components

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Create User profile page #5

Closed giteshk11 closed 1 year ago

giteshk11 commented 1 year ago

Create a user profile page/settings that let users change their settings in the app.

Figma (User Profile) https://www.figma.com/file/kwIHq0NTQUDBryrkZVN1ap/browtricks-cms?node-id=915%3A4722&t=yxR0yIP5GWnyILT9-0

(User Settings) https://www.figma.com/file/kwIHq0NTQUDBryrkZVN1ap/browtricks-cms?node-id=921%3A7077&t=yxR0yIP5GWnyILT9-0

kshekh commented 1 year ago

Thew user profile and user settings pages have been built