pcloudcom / console-client

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Raspberry Pi4 TwisterOS working with some hitches. #131

Open Ratteler opened 3 years ago

Ratteler commented 3 years ago

I have a build of pCloudcc running on an arm Raspberry Pi4 running Twister OS. It works great with a few exceptions, which makes it the only reliable cloud storage for the Pi.

OverGrive DESTROYED my 2TB Google Drive, filling with (conflicted) files with only a date. It corrupted good files while creating HUNDREDS of duplicates both empty and with content. Years of my backup now only exist s a mess in a folder I am sorting.

pDrive hasa real opportunity here. Just compile an ARM version of the UI and you have the only good solution to multi-platform cloud storage that will work on the growing Pi Desktop Market.

I'm trying to convince the developers of Twister to include pDrive in their OS and the 10GB option.

Here is my immediate problem.

When signing in, I'm entering

"pcouldcc -u {username} -p {password}

But in spite of the password command being given, the CLI asks me for the password again. Once I've rerentered it, everything works as it should unless I close the terminal window.

I would like to create a command in "Sessions and Startup" that just starts pCloud in the background as long as I have internet access.

Am I doing something wrong in passing multiple arguments. I don't want to have to sign in everytime.

A GUI would be awesome as well.

Porterbg commented 3 years ago

ARM version of the GUI for windows is expected in a few months but for Linux there are no such plans for the moment. The point in pCloudCC is that you can build it yourself. Linux GUI is just an electron layer over pCloudCC.

Ratteler commented 3 years ago

ARM version of the GUI for windows is expected in a few months but for Linux there are no such plans for the moment. The point in pCloudCC is that you can build it yourself. Linux GUI is just an electron layer over pCloudCC.

Any Idea what I'm doing wrong with the password? Like I said it's running fine as long as I keep the terminal going, but there seems to be no way to enter the password and the username in a single line.

I'm kind of Linux noob.

Ratteler commented 3 years ago

Well. I've given up for the moment. I deleted the console-client folder, and searched for what I else could delete, but can't seem to fish out all the tentacles that were installed, because I keep getting the "ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache-: Permission denthat error have worked.ied"

None of the fixes for that error have worked. Sudo doesn't give an error, but when I run pcloudcc, it says "init failed".

Ratteler commented 3 years ago

This is VERY weird, I tried to install on different card that I had never tried to install pcloudcc on. It failed AGAIN!

Ratteler commented 3 years ago

Ok. I've ruled out any problem on my end. Fresh install of Twister OS. Never attempted to install pcloudcc on this one. "ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache~: Permission denied"

I don't know how I got it to work before, but now it just fails.

Wish one of the devs could help figure this out.


rsbrowndog commented 3 years ago

For ldconfig, I had to:

sudo ldconfig

On my Pi. Maybe that will fix it for you? As for being prompted for password each time, do:

pcloudcc -u example@myemail.com -p -s

The -s switch saves the password and you won't be prompted again.

brechmos commented 3 years ago

@Ratteler For the command line pcloud, is TwisterOS necessary, or do you think pcloudcc will compile under Raspbian? I don't know much about TwisterOS.

For me, all I would care about is having pcloud running on a Pi. I would not care too much how it runs. So what I would do is run tmux and just leave the pcloudcc command line running in the tmux session and then get out of the tmux. Tmux is great.