pcloudcom / console-client

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Documentation: list build and runtime dependencies separately #152

Open awebeer256 opened 2 years ago

awebeer256 commented 2 years ago

For those of us who want to compile and run on different machines, or just really want to set our checkinstall options correctly on principle, I'd like to know what the dependencies are for just running this. I'm guessing that on the running machine, zlib1g-dev, libudev-dev, and libfuse-dev can be replaced with zlib1g, libudev1, and fuse, respectively, but I shouldn't have to guess. Meanwhile, libboost-system-dev, libboost-program-options-dev, and libpthread-stubs0-dev don't seem to have non-dev counterparts in the Ubuntu repos; does that mean that they're required for building but not for running, or does it mean that even the dev editions are required for running?