pcluchet / ERC20_fullstack

fullstack implementation of a business logic (retail), using erc20 tokens and invoicing chaincode on top of hyperledger fabric
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Error: could not assemble transaction, "Cannot set central bank" #1

Open daggerhashimoto opened 5 years ago

daggerhashimoto commented 5 years ago

While running ./full.sh` I get this error in the end Error: could not assemble transaction, err proposal response was not successful, error code 500, msg transaction returned with failure: Cannot set central bank

Also it does not create a central bank address in the .txt file apparently there's some kind of parsing error happening.

parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 10
central bank user address :
 Store path:/usr/src/app/hfc-key-store
Successfully enrolled admin user "admin"
AldrinAJ commented 4 years ago

Could you please update if there is any solution for the above? @pcluchet I m facing the same @daggerhashimoto Kindly advice.

zhdovelie commented 4 years ago

Could you please update if there is any solution for the above? @pcluchet I m facing the same @daggerhashimoto Kindly advice.

just add a file mail_pass.txt in container (api.MEDSOS.example.com), and send request manually, with a header additional "X-request-nomail : ABCDZ123" image

PS. I'm attempting to find some opensource wallet implement with erc20 but based on fabric for a demo. Do you have any suggestions?