pcouy / YoutubeAutotranslateCanceler

Provides a way to disable auto-translation on YouTube video titles
MIT License
73 stars 11 forks source link

Livestream video description #14

Open Seneral opened 5 years ago

Seneral commented 5 years ago

Seems there is a problem with the video description on livestreams. It seems to be duplicated a lot, when I noticed it it was already 50-100 times the original description after an hour or so. Observed page change detections occasionally, maybe related. Youtube probably adds the description again itself, so might need to cache the assigned description and reassign it when it changes, since youtube can't remove custom modified stuff (like our description) and thus keeps appending it...

fearek commented 4 years ago

After over a year it still here

pcouy commented 4 years ago

I'm doing this for free, you have no right to be so rude about a bug or lack of feature.

If you are unhappy with this, you can stop using it or learn Javascript, find the time to implement a fix and debug it, and submit a pull request.

In both cases, you should not post comments on issues if they do not help fix the issue, either by profiding details or by suggesting ways to fix it.