pcrockett / mollysocket-fly

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Any way to add more than one devices to the same mollysocket server? #14

Closed jayb-g closed 4 weeks ago

jayb-g commented 4 weeks ago

Eg to let same fly instance support 2 or more devices without needing to have one instance for each device.

pcrockett commented 4 weeks ago

I assume you're talking about adding another Signal account / another user to your instance.

Yup. Just go through the instructions starting at step 3 with your second device.

jayb-g commented 4 weeks ago

How many accounts/devices it can support?

pcrockett commented 4 weeks ago

I'm not aware of any hard limit. Probably as many as your disk space / memory / CPU can handle (which is probably a pretty large amount).

I personally am supporting two Signal accounts on one instance without any issues.

jayb-g commented 4 weeks ago

It's returning with HTTP status server error (507 Insufficient Storage) for url (https://ntfy.sh/upblabla?up=1) Does it mean I have to increase storage? or Memory?

pcrockett commented 4 weeks ago

Interesting. Never seen that before. Where are you seeing this error?

jayb-g commented 4 weeks ago

Right after running: mollysocket <the-command-you-just-copied-above>

Before doing fly deploy, Running mollysocket connection ping {uuid} returned same. then after a while, I tried running it with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 mollysocket connection ping {uuid} and it started pinging although I don't think that made it work. It may have just started working after some time.

Then running fly deploy worked as expected.

pcrockett commented 4 weeks ago

Ok. Well seeing how the URL in the error message is a ntfy.sh URL, my suspicion is that it was a transient error in the ntfy service. It doesn't look like it was an issue with MollySocket.

I am willing to bet that the ntfy error went away because the ntfy service scaled up or something, responding to heavy demand.

Just speculation. But in any case, I'm about 90% certain this isn't an issue with your instance of MollySocket.

I'll close this issue for now -- if you see any more strangeness, or find any more information to help debug the situation, feel free to re-open.