pcroland / deew

Dolby Encoding Engine Wrapper
MIT License
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Recurse directories #13

Closed tormento closed 2 years ago

tormento commented 2 years ago

In the case of seasonal episodes, it would be nice to have an option to recurse directories to encode every audio file inside them.

pcroland commented 2 years ago

Use a shell that supports wildcard

tormento commented 2 years ago

@pcroland yes but it wouldn't go multithread

pcroland commented 2 years ago

It would

tormento commented 2 years ago

@pcroland I have just tried:

for /R %%a in (*51*.dts) do D:\Eseguibili\Sonoro\DEEW\deew.py -i "%%a" -b 640

gets one file only

pcroland commented 2 years ago

You need to specify all files/forders after -i. With the for loop you start deew multiple times.

tormento commented 2 years ago

@pcroland How can I specify all the files in a tree? Imagine a directory for the season, subdirectories for episodes and inside multiple languages audio

pcroland commented 2 years ago

folder/*/* If you have a proper shell.