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Add Strip Button issue #128

Closed brian-slate closed 6 years ago

brian-slate commented 6 years ago

"MAIN BUG The '+Add Strip' button was going haywire. It didn't seem to want to engage at times - specifically after zooming in/out, and sometimes after moving the 'length size bar'. Every board I created was done before utilizing any other Step-1 feature options, just to be sure I didn't have to start over due to not being able to add a strip. That would be impossible for a customer. I'm guessing the zoom will be activated instantly. Was this an issue you ran into ever, or is it just me?"


brian-slate commented 6 years ago

"Honestly, I think it was due to my HughesShité connection. Ill try to explain better.

When I would initially start to build and chose to zoom in/out, plus utilize the "SizeBar" or Length option (two "step1 features", sorry for lingo jive) both PRIOR to moving sticks and changing woods, our "+Add Board" button option (located bottom, adj. to "next step") would jam and not add another board. This would force me to start over, reboot and remake board.

I obviously instantly deleted and added boards straight away to check the glitch - worked fine and was going smoothly. Then I started to run into the problem. I would zoom in and out, set the board at 12"-14" lengths prior to playing with sticks and wood types - AddStick would freeze up. The problem was reoccurring, so I refrained from any zoom or sizebar action until the very end.

Like I said, it was kinda spotty. On/off. I think it was my internet connection. I'll try operation tonight with my phone tethered and see if it was just me. " - Jason

brian-slate commented 6 years ago

After a brief investigation - if you remove the first strip (in our demo board in this instance it's the accent purpleheart strip) and then hit add, nothing happens. From this point on add is broken. Removing any other strip does not break the add feature.