pd4d10 / vite-plugin-svgr

Vite plugin to transform SVGs into React components
MIT License
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vite, react-ts --- Module '"*.svg"' has no exported member 'ReactComponent'. --- #44

Open ElBambu opened 2 years ago

ElBambu commented 2 years ago

Hello i just installed this module in a vite/react-ts project, i'm getting this error when i'm importing an SVG

import { ReactComponent as HomeIcon } from "images/icons/IconSvg/home.svg"

The import works and the icon is shown.

I managed to get rid of the error by declaring this module

declare module "*.svg" {
  import * as React from "react";

  export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<
    React.SVGProps<SVGSVGElement> & { title?: string }

  const src: string;
  export default src;

It doesn't really bother me, but i was wondering if there is a " cleaner " solution

Thanks for your responses :)

pd4d10 commented 2 years ago

If I understand it correctly, there is a section in the readme you can refer to:

If you are using TypeScript, there is also a declaration helper for better type inference:

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />

and you don't need to declare it manually

Wiz1991 commented 2 years ago

You can add this to your tsconfig.json under compiler options and it will pick up the types

    "types": ["vite-plugin-svgr/client"]

If you are on VSCODE and it doesnt pick it up straight away, either restart vscode or ts server

aslanalyiev commented 1 year ago


Added inside client.d.ts: /// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />

But got this error:

sedatbasar commented 1 year ago

Put this to your vite-env.d.ts

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />

DigitalNaut commented 1 year ago

I'm having a similar issue, except I can compile but I'm getting this in my browser console log:

Version: 2.4.0

Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: ReactComponent

I have:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import react from "@vitejs/plugin-react";
import svgr from "vite-plugin-svgr";

export default defineConfig({
  plugins: [react(), svgr()],
  resolve: {
    alias: {
      src: "/src",
/// <reference types="vite/client" />
/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />
// Component
import { ReactComponent as Icon} from '/src/assets/icon.svg';

I've also tried:

"types": [
panjiangyi commented 1 year ago

Hey guys, I figured it out.

I bet all you guys struggled of this issue had setexportAsDefault to true.

The type definition of this library is export a variable called "ReactComponent" when you import a svg file, not default export.

declare module '*.svg' {
  import * as React from 'react'

export const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<
    React.ComponentProps<'svg'> & { title?: string }

so Don't set the exportAsDefault to true, which will export svg component as default export, which result in confilit with svg declaration from vite.

use this plugin like this:

import { ReactComponent as SvgIcon } from './xxx.svg';
lucsky commented 1 year ago

@panjiangyi So what's the point of exportAsDefault then?

h2thien commented 1 year ago

@lucsky IMO it gives you a choice, or compromise. If you think having to type .svg imports yourself is worth the effort to not need to rename the import every time, then exportAsDefault: true is for you.

h2thien commented 1 year ago

That being said, as an OSS, I think the best course of action here is for a community hero to provide the typing for when exportAsDefault: true. That is, when that option is enabled, you should only need to do:

/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client-default" />
MHebes commented 1 year ago

Does anyone have a way to get the vite-plugin-svgr/client types to take precedence over the vite/client types? My vite-env.d.ts looks like this:

/// <reference types="vite/client" />
/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr/client" />

And my svg imports are still typed as string instead of { ReactComponent }. Swapping the lines around doesn't work. Deleting the vite/client line does work, but then breaks my other modules' types.

spoilerdo commented 1 year ago

Add the following to your tsconfig:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "types": ["vite/client", "vitest/globals", "vite-plugin-svgr/client"],
SleighJ commented 1 year ago

Have tried all suggested answers here and in documentation to no avail..

truxiein commented 1 year ago

Tried everything from here and from stackoverflow. Nothing works. I always end up with Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: ReactComponent.

Also tried doing what OP did, but no luck. Also added reference types, but no luck.

currently vite.config.ts has this plugins: [react(), svgr({svgrOptions: {exportType: "named", ref: true}})], also played around with svgrOptions, but no luck.

I am really clueless after one day to trial and error.

pd4d10 commented 1 year ago

ReactComponent named export is for v3 and prior versions.

For the latest v4, please check out the document here: https://github.com/pd4d10/vite-plugin-svgr?tab=readme-ov-file#usage

Background here: https://github.com/pd4d10/vite-plugin-svgr/pull/71#issuecomment-1727006445

MrRobz commented 11 months ago

If using v4 of this package, you need to change your imports from

import { ReactComponent as Icon} from '/src/assets/icon.svg';


import Icon from '/src/assets/icon.svg?react';
xxKeefer commented 11 months ago

i hope this helps someone, i resolved this issue by moving vite-env.d.ts inside of my ./src directory

chawax commented 10 months ago

If using v4 of this package, you need to change your imports from

import { ReactComponent as Icon} from '/src/assets/icon.svg';


import Icon from '/src/assets/icon.svg?react';

It looks like this syntax is not supported with Jest :(

sagarpanchal commented 9 months ago

@chawax vitest-dev/vitest

lukomwro commented 9 months ago

Tried everything from here and from stackoverflow. Nothing works. I always end up with Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: ReactComponent.

Also tried doing what OP did, but no luck. Also added reference types, but no luck.

currently vite.config.ts has this plugins: [react(), svgr({svgrOptions: {exportType: "named", ref: true}})], also played around with svgrOptions, but no luck.

I am really clueless after one day to trial and error.

You need to add include: '**/*.svg' prop to svgr plugin configuration. Vite config should looks like this:

plugins: [
      svgrOptions: { exportType: 'named', ref: true },
      include: '**/*.svg',
garryxiao commented 3 months ago

I would like to suggest improve the "vite-plugin-svgr/client" with another case when import the SVG icon with URL (like from the public folder of React application):

const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent< React.ComponentProps<"svg"> & { title?: string }


declare module "*.svg?react" { export default ReactComponent; }

declare module "*.svg?url&react" { export default ReactComponent; }

MrModest commented 2 months ago


If using v4 of this package, you need to change your imports from

With this approach, TS won't allow you to use SVG properties like fill. It will complain:

Type '{ fill: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes'.
  Property 'fill' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes'.
KingMatrix1989 commented 2 months ago

hey guys, the plugins don't have a named export. Look at the following code:

declare module "*.svg?react" {
  import * as React from "react";

  const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<
    React.ComponentProps<"svg"> & { title?: string }

  export default ReactComponent;

In addition, it just defines a ReactComponent type for imports like *.svg?react so:

  1. Plugin Recommended Way: Import SVG file as ReactComponent using import SvgIcon from 'icon.svg?react

  2. Custom Solution: Change plugin config to exportType: 'named' then override the plugin and vite types for SVG files. For this purpose, you can create a declaration file like custom.d.ts and include it using tsconfig.json (before src).

declare module "*.svg" {
  import * as React from "react";

  const ReactComponent: React.FunctionComponent<
    React.ComponentProps<"svg"> & { title?: string }

  export { ReactComponent };

Be flexible to changes :)

MrModest commented 2 months ago

Thank you @KingMatrix1989 !

  1. Declared SVG module as you suggested in "Custom Solution"
  2. Changed plugin config to exportType: 'named'
  3. imported as import { ReactComponent as GenericPoiIcon } from '@/assets/GenericPoiIcon.svg'
  4. And now I can call SVG attributes like <GenericPoiIcon fill='gray' /> with no complaints from Typescript