pderichs / sublime_rubocop

A Sublime Text RuboCop plugin.
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"Auto correct current file" does nothing #68

Open ocarreterom opened 2 years ago

ocarreterom commented 2 years ago
Please add some general information about your environment:
Steps to reproduce:

The command "Check current file" works ok, but "Auto correct current file" does nothing.

# .rubocop.yml
  - rubocop-rails
  - rubocop-rspec
  - standard

  standard: config/base.yml

Running rubocop -a in the console works ok.

dan-corneanu commented 1 year ago

@ocarreterom can you please check out this PR https://github.com/pderichs/sublime_rubocop/pull/70 It will display the output from the rubocop command in the console if the command fails. This will give you more information about what is going wrong.

ocarreterom commented 1 year ago

Hi @dan-corneanu , I am currently using LSP for autocorrect. I have tested the PR and it works fine. Maybe I had a wrong configuration or something like that…

You can close the issue if it is solved.