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Figure H.5 not corresponding to example #419

Closed pgundlach closed 1 week ago

pgundlach commented 2 weeks ago

A very minor issue

Figure H.5 has no ....... in it, but the example shows the dots.

Old (from 1.7):


New example:


The example after Figure H.7 has:

/P         <</MCID 1>>  BDC BT T* (TABLE OF CONTENTS)  Tj ET EMC
/Lbl       <</MCID 11>> BDC BT T* (1. )                Tj ET EMC
/Reference <</MCID 12>> BDC BT    (Chapter One )       Tj ET EMC
/NonStruct <</MCID 13>> BDC BT    (. . . . . . . . . ) Tj ET EMC
/Reference <</MCID 14>> BDC BT    (3 )                 Tj ET EMC
/Lbl       <</MCID 21>> BDC BT T* (1.1 )               Tj ET EMC
/Reference <</MCID 22>> BDC BT    (Section A )         Tj ET EMC

and so on

petervwyatt commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. Figure H.5 is actually not a figure but in-situ text and the tab stop setting for the page numbers is not correctly set to have PERIOD leaders so it matches Figure H.6 (which is a real figure).

petervwyatt commented 1 week ago

PDF TWG agree

petervwyatt commented 1 week ago

Also fixing the H2 bullets that are incorrectly numbered and the fact there were 2 "Chapter Twos"!