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Table 335 missing Scripts entry #59

Closed datalogics-pgallot closed 3 years ago

datalogics-pgallot commented 3 years ago RichMediaActivation dictionary, the second paragraph, first sentence and table 335: "The activation dictionary includes a script array."

However, none of the entries in table 335 is of type array. Was there a Scripts entry unintentionally left off or intentionally removed?

Note that the example under table 337 shows a Scripts entry as part of a RichMediaActivation dictionary.

DuffJohnson commented 3 years ago


petervwyatt commented 3 years ago

Well discovered @datalogics-pgallot!

I can find a Scripts key back in the original "Adobe® Supplement to the ISO 32000 BaseVersion: 1.7 ExtensionLevel: 3" document. AFAICT it never got copied into the very early drafts of ISO 32000-2, even as far back as 2012!!!:

Scripts array (Optional; ExtensionLevel 3) An array of indirect object references to file specification dictionaries, each of which describe a JavaScript file that shall be present in the Assets name tree of the RichMediaContent dictionary. Default value: If the array has no elements, no script is executed.

It is also not defined in DVA.

@lrosenthol - do you remember any history here? Can you comment on certain well-known implementations?

petervwyatt commented 3 years ago

I managed to find a single PDF with a /Scripts key: https://corpora.tika.apache.org/base/docs/bug_trackers/PDFBOX/PDFBOX-4807-0.pdf. This relates to https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/PDFBOX-4807, but this PDF also has what I think are unrelated issues. Can anyone else reference a sample PDF?

petervwyatt commented 3 years ago

PDF TWG approved

t-merz commented 3 years ago

Can anyone else reference a sample PDF?

The "richmedia_3d" topic in the PDFlib Cookbook creates one; the result is available at https://www.pdflib.com/fileadmin/cookbooks/PDFlib/results/richmedia_3d.pdf

The code for creating it (https://www.pdflib.com/pdflib-cookbook/multimedia/richmedia_3d/) closely resembles the generated dictionary structure.

petervwyatt commented 1 month ago

Required by PDF/A-4 dated revision which has specific requirements around this key for PDF/A-4e