pdherbemont / Glasses

This is the next generation of VLC for Mac also called Lunettes.
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Localization #2

Open fkuehne opened 14 years ago

fkuehne commented 14 years ago

Do we want full localization support for Lunettes in the first release?

Additionally, what shall we do about methods like [VLCTime verboseStringDescription] in the framework? Seems like we should create 2 different l10n files for each project. Do you have another opinion?

pdherbemont commented 14 years ago

I think we could probably export our localized string and merge them with VLC. I think we should stick to cocoa way of doing it and build some script to read and export to gettext .po. We could discuss and settle this at the VDD.

fkuehne commented 14 years ago

Sounds like a hack, but it is probably a good idea to achieve localization in a broader range. Recruiting translators for Lunettes itself would be a tough job.

Let's discuss it next week :-)

pdherbemont commented 14 years ago

Per discussion with xtophe, if we have less than 30% common strings with VLC, it doesn't make sense to share the same string base.

Anyway, we need to extract the string from the nib, and from source files. This requires some scripting if we want to do it write.

http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/MacOSX/Conceptual/BPInternational/Articles/LocalizingInterfaces.html http://wincent.com/a/products/wincent-strings-util/

fkuehne commented 14 years ago

There is also iLocalize by Arizona Software, which offers free licenses for FOSS projects. It's evil proprietary software though, but personally, I don't care.


CarterA commented 14 years ago

You really shouldn't directly localize strings inside nib files, you should localize the nibs as a whole. This prevents issues involving the sizing of controls. Apple built this functionality in for a reason.

fkuehne commented 14 years ago

Localizing xibs as a whole is a good idea for commercial projects with localizers who know how to deal with Interface Builder. VLC used to be localized with gettext, which basically means that there is one xib for all 30 languages, where the languages with the longest strings defined the UI elements' sizes.

IMO, this approach would make sense here as well, as most of our potential translators will be more familiar with a text editor than anything else. I'd be happily proven wrong here, but maintaining 20 to 30 xib files for the same window is much more work than keep a single one up-to-date...

pdherbemont commented 14 years ago

The tools above allow us to merge all files to translate in just one text file. And then do the reverse operation to build the translated nib. This requires some scripting though.

ponychicken commented 14 years ago

i could provide a german localization.

CarterA commented 14 years ago

I'd like to go over the english localization before we put out a beta or a release candidate. I'm quite the grammar nerd, and I'll make sure there are no errors.

fkuehne commented 14 years ago

Carter, that would be awesome!

sf1nx0r, as I'm a native German speaker, I could probably lend a hand there as well, but focussing on the code while others doing the translation is a good thing :)

pdherbemont commented 14 years ago

I do plan to do a first "test" release next week. Better hurry :)