pdhoff / amen

R package for analysis of network and dyadic data
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Error while replicating example #4

Open juanpablo153 opened 2 months ago

juanpablo153 commented 2 months ago

Hi, when replicating the example for ame_rep, I encountered this error Error in ame_rep(YX_bin_long$Y, YX_bin_long$X, burn = 5, nscan = 5, odens = 1, : unused argument (family = "bin")

I tried re-installing amen, but didn't work.

pdhoff commented 2 months ago

The code you provided does not specify the family. The following works for me using version 1.4.4 that is on github, and 1.4.5 that is on CRAN:


Y<-array(rbinom(n*n*T,1,.5) ,dim=c(n,n,T) ) 

