pdidev / spack

Spack packages for PDI and dependencies
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Compatibility issue with spack 0.20 #13

Closed tpadioleau closed 2 weeks ago

tpadioleau commented 1 year ago

Using spack 0.20, the local py-distributed package seems to be outdated, I have an issue with the deleted py-contextvars dependency of this package.

I would propose that we make a backup of the current state that works with spack 0.19 in a dedicated branch and a new branch 0.20 without our custom recipes of python packages.

tpadioleau commented 1 year ago

I guess we can have a discussion about the packages that are already in the main spack repository. Some of them are necessary for DEISA. I also found that sionlib is already in the main repo.

jbigot commented 1 year ago

Then I'll remove sionlib, no need to keep it here

jbigot commented 1 year ago

py-distributed here is the receipe for a fork required for Deisa

tpadioleau commented 1 year ago

Our version seems more evolved than the spack 0.20.0 one. Maybe we should contribute to the main repo version ?

jbigot commented 1 year ago

our version of what?

jbigot commented 1 year ago

but, yes, upstreaming most receipes would be great

tpadioleau commented 1 year ago

our version of what?


GueroudjiAmal commented 1 year ago

There are other needed packages missing in spack 0.20 in addition to the py-contextvars the py-ordereddict, py-singledispatch, py-futures are needed for py-dask

GueroudjiAmal commented 1 year ago

Adding those packages install correctly pdiplugin-deisa and dependencies (I just took them an older version of spack packages (https://github.com/spack/spack/blob/v0.16.0/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/)

tpadioleau commented 1 year ago

That may do the trick but I wonder if it is reasonable on the mid/long term.

GueroudjiAmal commented 1 year ago

Actually yeah, at some point it may be interesting to pull request deisa-external tasks feature to dask distributed this may we use a maintained spack package of dask and dependencies ...