in germany theres some laws to display car advertisments by Deutsche Umwelthilfe.
One of our costumers say that if the following values not given, the ad should not display:
We will add 2 new checkboxes to respond to the requirements of the Deutsche Umwelthilfe and the requirements of the WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light Duty Test Procedure).
Hello, in germany theres some laws to display car advertisments by Deutsche Umwelthilfe. One of our costumers say that if the following values not given, the ad should not display:
Translated: CO²-Ausstoß (g/km), Kraftstoffart, Benzin Typ, Feinstaubplakette, Schadstoffklasse, Energieeffizienzklasse, „Kombinierter elektrischer Energieverbrauch
These fields should be required in backend to protect from dissuasiveness.