pdlfs / deltafs

Transient file system service featuring highly paralleled indexing on both file data and file system metadata
107 stars 21 forks source link

To anyone seeing this: THE REAL WORKING README HERE #8

Open penglb3 opened 3 weeks ago

penglb3 commented 3 weeks ago

Before you proceed, here's some facts about this project...


All previous issues get ZERO REPLY from authors, dating all the way back to 2019. Last updated many years ago.


The README is VERY OUTDATED and WRONG. It instructs you to install bmi for mercury, which is deprecated by mercury. And the run command? It simply won't work out of the box due to bugs in code (more on that later). Moreover, even if you do ever get to start the server, the client can never connect to it. There is ZERO document about proper configuration and usage.

Bugs in code

I have been working on this code for several days and found some serious bugs. You can check it yourself.


FUNDAMENTAL FS semantics like rmdir and rename are missing, so mdtest won't even run. And they even call this a filesystem lol.

What I want to say is

If you have a choice, just get out and don't use this. This won't deliver what was claimed in the paper. Objections are welcomed, but please show me the real code ;).

How to get it work (in Ubuntu-22.04)

Install libfabric.

Don't install it with apt in Ubuntu 22.04, that one's version is too old. Get a new version and compile it yourself.

wget https://github.com/ofiwg/libfabric/releases/download/v1.21.0/libfabric-1.21.0.tar.bz2
tar -xjf libfabric-1.21.0.tar.bz2
cd libfabric-1.21.0
./configure && make -j
sudo checkinstall
# or you can do `sudo make install` if you don't want to `apt install checkinstall`

Install mercury

# extra dependency
sudo apt install libjson-c-dev
# idk why, but mercury says it needs this.
sudo bash -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope"
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mercury-hpc/mercury.git
cd mercury
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..
# remember to configure MERCURY_USE_OFI to ON
make -j
sudo checkinstall -pkgname mercury

Fix the bugs in code

penglb3@node1:~/deltafs$ git diff
diff --git a/external/pdlfs-common/src/mercury/mercury_test.cc b/external/pdlfs-common/src/mercury/mercury_test.cc
index 707a3f1..d9c3cc5 100644
--- a/external/pdlfs-common/src/mercury/mercury_test.cc
+++ b/external/pdlfs-common/src/mercury/mercury_test.cc
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 namespace pdlfs {
 namespace rpc {

-static const std::string kProto = "bmi+tcp://";
+static const std::string kProto = "ofi+tcp://";
 // True if multiple client threads can call RPC simultaneously
 static const bool kAllowConcurrentRPC = false;
diff --git a/external/pdlfs-common/src/rpc.cc b/external/pdlfs-common/src/rpc.cc
index 6558daf..188c0e0 100644
--- a/external/pdlfs-common/src/rpc.cc
+++ b/external/pdlfs-common/src/rpc.cc
@@ -30,7 +30,11 @@
 namespace pdlfs {

+    : impl(rpc::kMercuryRPC),
     : impl(rpc::kSocketRPC),
diff --git a/src/libdeltafs/deltafs_conf.cc b/src/libdeltafs/deltafs_conf.cc
index b9a0480..dbee1fe 100644
--- a/src/libdeltafs/deltafs_conf.cc
+++ b/src/libdeltafs/deltafs_conf.cc
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ namespace config {
 DEFINE_FLAG(NumOfMetadataSrvs, "1")
 DEFINE_FLAG(NumOfVirMetadataSrvs, "1")
 DEFINE_FLAG(InstanceId, "0")
-DEFINE_FLAG(RPCProto, "bmi+tcp")
+DEFINE_FLAG(RPCProto, "ofi+tcp")
 DEFINE_FLAG(MDSTracing, "false")
 DEFINE_FLAG(MetadataSrvAddrs, "")
 DEFINE_FLAG(MaxNumOfOpenFiles, "1000")
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ DEFINE_FLAG(VerifyChecksums, "false")
 DEFINE_FLAG(Inputs, "/tmp/deltafs_inputs")
 DEFINE_FLAG(Outputs, "/tmp/deltafs_outputs")
 DEFINE_FLAG(RunDir, "/tmp/deltafs_run")
-DEFINE_FLAG(EnvName, "posix")
+DEFINE_FLAG(EnvName, "default")
 DEFINE_FLAG(EnvConf, "")
 DEFINE_FLAG(FioName, "posix")
 DEFINE_FLAG(FioConf, "")

Then compile the deltafs code. Enable mercury, MPI. To run the server:

DELTAFS_MetadataSrvAddrs= ./build/src/server/deltafs-srvr -v=1 -logtostderr

Run the client shell

DELTAFS_MetadataSrvAddrs= DELTAFS_NumOfMetadataSrvs=1 ./build/src/cmds/deltafs-shell -v=1 -logtostderr
penglb3 commented 3 weeks ago

For anyone still interested, I have worked out a way to run mdtest on DeltaFS. You can check that out in my fork. Of course, all fixes and instructions mentioned here is included - and even better because you don't have to modify the code yourself.