@pdmangel, the following $.getJSON(...) will fail if NodeRed is going through a proxy server. I suggest to change this to the following to avoid absolute path. Cheers
$.getJSON("openhab2/items", config)
**$.getJSON("/openhab2/items", config)**
.done( function(data) {
var items = data;
items.sort(function(a,b) {
if ( a.name < b.name )
return -1;
else if ( a.name > b.name )
return 1;
return 0;
if ( allowEmpty )
itemSelectionEl.append('<option value=""></option>');
items.forEach(function(item) {
itemSelectionEl.append('<option>' + item.name + '</option>');
var it = itemSelectionEl.find('option').last();
it.attr('value', item.name);
@pdmangel, the following $.getJSON(...) will fail if NodeRed is going through a proxy server. I suggest to change this to the following to avoid absolute path. Cheers