pdmangel / node-red-contrib-openhab2

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Openhab-Nodes: No item names selectable with configured httpRoot #21

Open ruebox opened 6 years ago

ruebox commented 6 years ago


To integrate node-red within openhab, I added within the node-red settings.json -> httpRoot: '/red',

After this change, the node-red-openhab is still able to properly fetch values from the openhab. However, if I add a new openhab node, the ui does not provide a list of existing openhab items: ItemName remains empty. It is not possible to select an item.

Thanks for your support.

Best, Rüdiger

mishakim commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem. Using the "openhab2 get" node and passing the item still works, as does manually importing a node as text with the itemname property set, but the UI cannot select the Item

pdmangel commented 6 years ago

@ruebox : I can't reproduce this behaviour ... are you using the latest version of node-red-contrib-openhab2 ?

mishakim commented 6 years ago

as far as I can tell - I'm on 1.1.3. OpenHab is 2.2.0 release build and node-red is 0.18.3

zosky commented 4 years ago

i have this running great on a few pis. but on 1 (that also hosts oh2), it wont list ...

in chrome console - when i open the node - i see 404 errors from http://home:1880/{httpAdminRoot}/openhab2/items?name=oh2...

meanwhile, i can see what it wants manually: http://home:1880/ admin/ openhab2/items?... but i couldn't figure out what to change in 77-openhab2.js

skurzynski commented 3 years ago


I was facing the same after changing httpAdminRoot. To make it work with openhab node you need to change in 77-openhab.js: line 277: RED.httpNode.get("/openhab2/items", function (req, res, next) { to RED.httpNode.get("/{httpAdminRoot}/openhab2/items", function (req, res, next) {