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The parallel pool is shut down suddenly #28

Open immune1993 opened 7 years ago

immune1993 commented 7 years ago

Hi,Dollar I have modified the chnsCompute1 function in acftrain.m into function chns = chnsCompute1( Is, opts ) if(isempty(Is)), chns=[]; return; end fprintf('Extracting features... '); start=clock; fs=opts.filters; pChns=opts.pPyramid.pChns; smooth=opts.pPyramid.smooth; dsTar=opts.modelDsPad/pChns.shrink; ds=size(Is); ds(1:end-1)=1; Is=squeeze(mat2cell2(Is,ds)); n=length(Is); chns=cell(1,n); parfor i=1:n C=chnsCompute(Is{i},pChns); C=convTri(cat(3,C.data{:}),smooth); if(~isempty(fs)), C=repmat(C,[1 1 39]); for j=1:size(C,3),C(:,:,j)=conv2(C(:,:,j),fs{floor((j+9)/10)},'same'); end; end shr=1; ds=size(C); cr=ds(1:2)-dsTar/shr; s=floor(cr/2)+1; e=ceil(cr/2); C=C(s(1):end-e(1),s(2):end-e(2),:); chns{i}=C; end; chns=cat(4,chns{:}); fprintf('done (time=%.0fs).\n',etime(clock,start)); end The "fs"is a cell including 39 filter matrixs,then I run the acfdemocal.m,the parallel pool is shut down suddenly,and the matlab show: error : acfTrain_CB>sampleWins (line 267) parfor j=1:batch, ij=i+j; The client lost connection to worker 3. This might be due to network problems, or the interactive communicating job might have errored. Do you know how I can solve the problem? look forward to your reply!