pdsmart / SFD700

SFD-700 Floppy Disk Controller for the Sharp MZ series computers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 0 forks source link

some guidance #2

Open rickyelqasem opened 6 months ago

rickyelqasem commented 6 months ago

few questions:

thanks for your efforts.

rickyelqasem commented 6 months ago

and how did you program the 26CV12 chip... very difficult to find info on this.. I have a TL866-2 plus... noting on 26CV12

pdsmart commented 6 months ago

Hi, my appologies, I havent had time to look at my projects for 6 months now due to a very demanding contract.

The early versions of this card uses the GAL's but then the latest version I switched to a CPLD. The earlier versions had issues due to lack of logic in the GAL, hence switching. The CPLD is the same cost as the GAL's.

The 26CV12 I programmed via a made up interface and reconfig of the TL866-II software.

The latest version, v1.2 which uses the CPLD is fully working as a disk controller and most of the enhanced rom functions work too, just a few minor bugs and additional commands I want to add havent yet been addressed.

If you download the v1.2 kicad schematics and PCB (there is my working PCB board in the releases) and for the CPLD, download Altera (Intel) Quartus II v13.0 to assemble and program the CPLD.

Hopefully I will get time in the next few months to start finishing the SFD700 and the tranzputerPico (a plug in Z80 replacement based on the ESP32 chip)! Everything though, apart from documentation is stored in the repo as to my latest stage.