pdvrieze / xmlutil

XML Serialization library for Kotlin
Apache License 2.0
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Problems to resolve files for 0.90.0-RC1 #209

Closed StefanOltmann closed 4 weeks ago

StefanOltmann commented 1 month ago

I see why you made it a release candidate. ;)

Dependency resolution fails here:

Execution failed for task ':transformPosixMainCInteropDependenciesMetadataForIde'.
> Could not resolve all files for configuration ':iosArm64CompilationDependenciesMetadata'.
   > Could not find io.github.pdvrieze.xmlutil:compat-iosarm64:0.90.0-RC1.
     Searched in the following locations:
       - https://dl.google.com/dl/android/maven2/io/github/pdvrieze/xmlutil/compat-iosarm64/0.90.0-RC1/compat-iosarm64-0.90.0-RC1.pom
       - https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/pdvrieze/xmlutil/compat-iosarm64/0.90.0-RC1/compat-iosarm64-0.90.0-RC1.pom
     Required by:
         project : > io.github.pdvrieze.xmlutil:core:0.90.0-RC1

The mentioned path https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/pdvrieze/xmlutil/compat-iosarm64/0.90.0-RC1/compat-iosarm64-0.90.0-RC1.pom does not exist, but https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/pdvrieze/xmlutil/compat-iosArm64/0.90.0-RC1/compat-iosArm64-0.90.0-RC1.pom with uppercase A in iosArm64 does.

Reproducer branch: https://github.com/Ashampoo/xmpcore/tree/kotlin2

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

That is very very strange indeed. I've had a look at my local repository. The same issue seems to happen with all native targets (the archive names for older versions have lower case names). I'll have to dig into the kotlin multiplatform plugin to figure out what is going on there.

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

I've figured out something. I've been renaming artifactIds and somehow those renames were not incorporated in the pom/dependency generation.

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

I've just pushed a snapshot. It "fixes" these names, but I'm not sure it works throughout.

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

I've just pushed a tag for RC2. It should have fixed this (I created a test project that resolves correctly for me now). It should be making its way through mavencentral now.

StefanOltmann commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately https://github.com/Ashampoo/xmpcore/tree/kotlin2 still fails for me.

Now it's looking for an artifact io.github.pdvrieze.xmlutil:base-iosarm64:0.90.0-RC2 which would be available at https://repo.maven.apache.org/maven2/io/github/pdvrieze/xmlutil/base-iosarm64/0.90.0-RC2/base-iosarm64-0.90.0-RC2.pom

In the folder I don't see a base prefix. I only see artifacts starting with compat- and core-.

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your feedback. It seems that this is something to do with partially building on different platforms (and the renames not working there). I'm trying a snapshot built on macos only.

pdvrieze commented 1 month ago

Thanks to the reproducer branch I believe I've resolved it. Three is a problem with artefact renames when components refer to each other (and I have renames to maintain compatibility even though the structure is changed). RC3 should be out soon.

StefanOltmann commented 4 weeks ago

@pdvrieze Thanks. I can confirm that RC3 works for me.