pdxosgeo / pdxbldgimport

Process for importing Portland area buildings and addresses to OpenStreetMap
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townhouse tagging #24

Closed darrell closed 9 years ago

darrell commented 10 years ago

Received the following:

Hello Darrell,

Me and my colleagues from the 'GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam' are currently working on building data in Openstreetmap. Namely, we are looking into building exposure to natural catastrophes. So we are very happy about every building import. And yours looks quite good!

However, we do have a few suggestions for the data processing step, especially the tagging of the buildings. We suggest to add the key "building:use" in your table "Tag Mappings" as has been done in recent imports (as far as the occupancy type of the building was known from the import data). This would help avoiding misinterpretations as the tag "building=..." describes more the look or the type of a building but not necessarily its occupancy. In contrast the tag "building:use=..." characterize the specific use of a building. For example a building which looks like a single-family house but it's just used from a company would have the tags building=house and building:use=commercial. Maybe we can help you here with a translation table.

Furthermore we don't think, that the translation from source value "Townhouse" into the final value "house" would be correct in every case. Is it possible that a "Townhouse" in fact is a terraced building (or row house)? In this case the tag building=house would needs to be be accompanied by a building=terrace on a relation encompassing the row of homes. However, we don't know whats common in your area.

The other translations are in our opinion completely OK, we only thought about the translation of the source value "Duplex" into "apartments". On taginfo we find some buildings tagged with "building=semidetached_house" which describes exactly the duplex building. Unfortunately there is no wiki-entry for this special residential building yet. Nonetheless, we would suggest to use building=semidetached_house as final key-value-couple for the duplex buildings.

Best regards Florian

darrell commented 10 years ago

There are only 11 townhouse-tagged buildings. My thinking is maybe it's best to just convert them to 'yes'.

Opinions on the semidetached_house question?

What about the building:use — we do have that column, though I'm skeptical of its quality. Perhaps we should discuss with Metro on the 10th?

darrell commented 9 years ago

I yanked the townhouses for now.