pe-st / garmin-connect-export

Download a copy of your Garmin Connect data, including stats and GPX tracks.
MIT License
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Request: Download all files associated with an activity in a single call of #97

Open sgowtham opened 10 months ago

sgowtham commented 10 months ago


I am wondering if it's possible to download all files associated with an activity (e.g., csv, fit, gpx, hrz, json, kml and tcx) from a single call of Workflow would be something like defining a list within the export_data_file function

formatList = ['csv', 'gpx', 'kml', 'tcx', 'original', 'hrz']

and loop through formatList along the lines of

    fit_filename = None
    for formatType in formatList:
      if formatType == 'csv':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.csv')
        download_url  = URL_GC_CSV_ACTIVITY + activity_id + '?full=true'
        file_mode     = 'w'
      elif formatType == 'gpx':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.gpx')
        download_url  = URL_GC_GPX_ACTIVITY + activity_id + '?full=true'
        file_mode     = 'w'
      elif formatType == 'hrz':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.hrz')
        download_url  = URL_GC_ACTIVITY + activity_id + '/hrTimeInZones'
        file_mode     = 'w'
      elif formatType == 'kml':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.kml')
        download_url  = URL_GC_KML_ACTIVITY + activity_id + '?full=true'
        file_mode     = 'w'
      elif formatType == 'tcx':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.tcx')
        download_url  = URL_GC_TCX_ACTIVITY + activity_id + '?full=true'
        file_mode     = 'w'
      elif formatType == 'original':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.zip')
        # TODO not all 'original' files are in FIT format, some are GPX or TCX.
        # Fri, 13 Nov 2020 07:29:13 -0500
        # fit_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.fit')
        fit_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + '_ACTIVITY' + append_desc + '.fit')
        logging.debug('fitfilename: %s', fit_filename)
        download_url = URL_GC_FIT_ACTIVITY + activity_id
        file_mode    = 'wb'
      elif formatType == 'json':
        data_filename = os.path.join(directory, prefix + 'activity_' + activity_id + append_desc + '.json')
        file_mode     = 'w'
        raise Exception('Unrecognized format.')

and the variables below are defined to be accessible by all functions in


As far as checking duplicates is concerned, the workflow could check for csv existence. If it exists, move on to the next activity. If it doesn't download csv and others.

Thoughts? I will gladly help with testing and such.

My best, Gowtham (G)

pe-st commented 10 months ago

Good idea, I'll think about it. BTW I didn't know you could export KML and CSV... ;-)

Why would you need a separate download for HRZ, they should already be in the JSON files and can be configured to be written to the CSV file

sgowtham commented 10 months ago

@pe-st Thank you :)

I am ok with not doing a separate call for HRZ info. I can parse the JSON and read it from there. Current set up (I believe you had helped a while ago when I first requested downloading HRZ info for each activity) on my local end is to keep the .hrz file for symmetry reasons.