Closed qq378339982 closed 1 year ago
Those plugins appear to be encrypted by an external tool and not valid amxx files as is. The first 8 bytes are always the same, so maybe you can reverse engineer the packing/encryption? Where did you get those files from / which amxx version are they made for?
I downloaded it online and I don't know how it is encrypted, so it cannot be decompiled. This is the complete addons file
There is a simple decryption function in the amxmodx_mm.dll at 0x1000d4c0, so you have to decrypt the files first, then lysis works fine
import sys
def decrypt(d):
key = 0x57
out = []
for c in d:
out.append(c ^ key)
key += out[-1] + 0x57
key &= 0xff
return bytes(out)
python < 175_Base.amxx > 175_Base_decrypt.amxx
Can you link to where you got this from? It does come off a bit sus indeed. Anyways, I won't add that cipher to lysis since it seems very custom to a certain setup.