peaceiris / actions-label-commenter

Label Commenter Action: Label triggered GitHub Action for posting a template comment, and automatically open/close/lock/unlock issues, pull-requests, and discussions.
MIT License
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proposal: v2 Improve and simplify config format #449

Open peaceiris opened 3 years ago

peaceiris commented 3 years ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **Andre601** June 16, 2021 I feel like the config is kind of bloated in some sections and could receive a improvement. For example do I see no reason for having a `lock` option when the only goal for it is to have `lock` and `unlock` as options. This could just be an option for the `action` field and result in close + lock or open + unlock. Another thing that could also be something to improve is the comment option. This one could be changed to something like this: ```yaml comment: |- Hello, {{ content }} This is an automated comment created by a [GitHub Action]( Responding to or mentioning it has no effect. ``` The `{{ content }}` placeholder would then be replaced with whatever you defined in the corresponding `body` section of a label.

Discussed in

More generic placeholders for specific values

Right now do I need to use {{ issue.user.login }}, {{ pull_request.user.login }} or {{ discussion.user.login }} to achieve the same thing for issues, PRs and discussions respectively, which is getting the username of the person that created the issue, PR and/or discussion.

This is somewhat annoying to have and I would like to propose some more generic/common placeholders to use, which would use different keys depending on the type.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi, there.

Thank you @peaceiris for suggesting this.

This is an automated comment created by the peaceiris/actions-label-commenter. Responding to the bot or mentioning it won't have any effect.

Log | Bot Usage
github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Hi, there.

Thank you for suggesting documentation improvement.

This is an automated comment created by the peaceiris/actions-label-commenter. Responding to the bot or mentioning it won't have any effect.

Log | Bot Usage
Andre601 commented 3 years ago

I have suggestions for 2 possible ideas on how to restructure the file handling, which both have benefits but also disadvantages.

1) Split types up into separate files

Perhaps it could be worth it to split up issues, PRs and discussions into separate files under a label-commenter folder (i.e. .github/label-commenter/issue.yml for issue-related comments).



2) Separate MD file per label

Maybe giving each label a own Markdown file could be the way to go. The settings could then be applied through YAML frontmatter, allowing pretty much the same level of control you currently have + some more.

Files would be (similar to the previous idea) be located in a label-commenter folder inside the .github one to keep it clean.

Example file named

allowed: # List of types this action should reply to
- issue
- pull_request
- discussion

# Used to "close", "open", "lock" or "unlock"
action: 'lock'
reason: 'spam' # Used when "lock" is set as action

# Settings to exclude Header/Footer
exclude_header: false
exclude_footer: false
This {{ type }} has been **locked** <!-- Maybe a new "{{ type }}" placeholder returning the type? (Issue, Pull request or Discussion) -->
Reason: Spam.

A dedicated and could be used to apply header and footer to the comments.



If I had to choose would I honestly go with the second option.

peaceiris commented 3 years ago

Those are interesting. But we should consider using the YAML anchor/alias at first.

  - name: locked (spam)
        body: &locked_spam_body |
          This issue has been **LOCKED** because of spam!

          Please do not spam messages on this project. You may get blocked from this repository for doing so.
        action: close
        locking: lock
        lock_reason: spam
        body: *locked_spam_body
        action: close
        locking: lock
        lock_reason: spam
        body: *locked_spam_body
        locking: lock
        lock_reason: spam
peaceiris commented 3 years ago

When we check a rendered body with GitHub Flavored Markdown, the yq and grip are useful.

Rendered YAML body

yq e '.labels[10]' .github/label-commenter-config.yml
[The documentation label] was added. Thank you for suggesting documentation improvement.

When you add a new section, do not forget to update the Table of Contents.

[The documentation label]:

Rendered Markdonw body

yq e '.labels[10]' .github/label-commenter-config.yml | grip -

Screen Shot 2021-08-14 at 7 57 00

peaceiris commented 3 years ago

Splitting file looks interesting but I won't do that. I am sure that the current single YAML file approach is enough simple in the viewpoint of usability and maintainability.

Andre601 commented 3 years ago

Fair enough. Just thought it could be an interesting approach but there are obvious drawbacks and issues with it.

peaceiris commented 3 years ago

Maybe we can get another better approach in the future, so I will keep that in mind. Thank you!

Andre601 commented 2 years ago

Looking back at this after a relatively long time, I still have a good feeling about using separate markdown files for the different label actions, tho now I think about a slightly different approach.

You would still have own markdown files, but the main YAML configuration would now be used to define them.

Imagine the following files:

The main configuration, including actions such as opening or closing an issue/PR would remain in the main configuration file, but content to comment would be out-sourced to those markdown files to use.

Placeholders such as {{ header }} and {{ footer }} would exist that would get replaced with their respective values from the config alongside any other supported placeholders...

Maybe, if that is wanted by others could a {{ config.<> }} placeholder be considered to allow others to define custom values inside the main configuration?

This would keep the main configuration a lot cleaner because even with that YAML anchor/alias thing is it not the best to look at.

All this is up to you of course.