peachpiecompiler / peachpie

PeachPie - the PHP compiler and runtime for .NET and .NET Core
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Template Install Fails - no matches found #1101

Open VannaDii opened 1 year ago

VannaDii commented 1 year ago

Following along with the Console App (CLI) - Getting Started Guide, step 2 - Install Peachpie .NET Templates fails because it can't find the templates.

❯ dotnet new -i Peachpie.Templates::*
zsh: no matches found: Peachpie.Templates::*

My dotnet environment info.

❯ dotnet --info
.NET SDK (reflecting any global.json):
 Version:   6.0.405
 Commit:    27ab36058b

Runtime Environment:
 OS Name:     Mac OS X
 OS Version:  13.2
 OS Platform: Darwin
 RID:         osx-arm64
 Base Path:   /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/6.0.405/

global.json file:
  Not found

  Version:      6.0.13
  Architecture: arm64
  Commit:       1af80ba017

.NET SDKs installed:
  6.0.405 [/usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk]

.NET runtimes installed:
  Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 6.0.13 [/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App]
  Microsoft.NETCore.App 6.0.13 [/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]

Download .NET:

Learn about .NET Runtimes and SDKs:
VannaDii commented 1 year ago

Perhaps this extension just needs recompile on a supported version of dotnet? Version 5 is no longer supported.

When I attempt to use the command palette, I get the following half-error:

PeachPie extension was activated.
Creating PeachPie project in '~/Code/OneOffs' ...

Creating 'console' ...
Project file created successfully.
Configuring build and debugging in 'tasks.json' and 'launch.json' ...
Build tasks successfully configured.

Running dotnet restore to install PeachPie Sdk ...
For building and executing, PeachPie needs .NET Core CLI tools to be available on the path. Make sure they are installed properly.

And the language server crashes repeatedly with this message:

[Info  - 7:16:12 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will restart.
You must install or update .NET to run this application.

App: ~/.vscode/extensions/iolevel.peachpie-vscode-1.0.8/out/server/Peachpie.LanguageServer.dll
Architecture: arm64
Framework: 'Microsoft.NETCore.App', version '5.0.0' (arm64)
.NET location: /usr/local/share/dotnet/

The following frameworks were found:
  6.0.13 at [/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App]

Learn about framework resolution:

To install missing framework, download:
[Error - 7:16:12 AM] Connection to server got closed. Server will not be restarted.
VannaDii commented 1 year ago

I can work around some of this by using the DOTNET_ROLL_FORWARD=Major setting, but that still leaves me with this error about the .NET Core CLI tools on the path. Since there's no URL, I tried searching around and only found reference to the SDK (already installed).

Roll Forward get's me running the language server:

PeachPie Language Server
  PID: 23081
  Path: ~/.vscode/extensions/iolevel.peachpie-vscode-1.0.8/out/server/Peachpie.LanguageServer.dll

Trying to create a new project with the extension:

PeachPie extension was activated.
Creating PeachPie project in '~/Code/OneOffs' ...

Creating 'library' ...
Project file created successfully.
Configuring build and debugging in 'tasks.json' and 'launch.json' ...
Build tasks successfully configured.

Running dotnet restore to install PeachPie Sdk ...
For building and executing, PeachPie needs .NET Core CLI tools to be available on the path. Make sure they are installed properly.