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Magic methods not working as expected #1108

Open luizzaiats opened 1 year ago

luizzaiats commented 1 year ago

On PHP, we can instantiate a stdClass and set properties dynamically as follow:

$obj = new stdClass(); $obj->name = 'My Name'; $obj->time = time();

On PeachPie is there a way to do that? I've tried:

dynamic _obj = new stdClass(); = "My Name";

But I got the following error:

Unhandled exception. Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'Pchp.Core.PhpValue' does not contain a definition for 'name'

Am I missing something?

jakubmisek commented 1 year ago

This works with PeachPie in PHP code, because the PeachPie compiler takes care of it. So you can compile this PHP code with PeachPie.

However, PeachPie/C# runtime does not implement dynamic approach yet, so you can't do it from C#.

jakubmisek commented 1 year ago

Also, it's not quite a magic method. It's a dynamic property not involving __get or __call.

Magic methods won't work through dynamic in C# either.

We'd have to implement IDynamicMetaObjectProvider.

luizzaiats commented 1 year ago

@jakubmisek thank you for the clarification ;)

I am very interested on using the PHP/C# interop, using PHP objects on C#/Blazor. I already have a small REST API written in PHP using StraightFramework and RedbeanPHP so I'll try to run this REST API (on top of PeachPie) and Blazor making the calls to it over HTTP requests.

Investigating here, I was able to use RedbeanPHP on C# as follow:

ctx.Call("R::setup", "sqlite:./dbfile.db");

dynamic _user = ctx.Call("R::dispense", "user");
_user.Object.__set("username", "luiz.zaiats");

dynamic _profession = ctx.Call("R::dispense", "profession");
_profession.Object.__set("name", "Programmer");

_user.Object.__set("profession", _profession);

ctx.Call("R::store", _user);

The above code works perfectly, but when I try to load data and update, something is messy on the bean itself not allowing me to update the object:

var users = ctx.Call("R::find", "user");
foreach(var kv in users) {
    RedBeanPHP.OODBBean v = kv.Value.Object as RedBeanPHP.OODBBean;

    RedBeanPHP.OODBBean p = v.__get("profession").AsObject() as RedBeanPHP.OODBBean;

    p.__set("name", "Updated Programmer");

    ctx.Call("R::store", (PhpValue)kv.Value); // this operation throws Unhandled exception. RedBeanPHP\RedException: Identifier does not conform to RedBeanPHP security policies.

Congrats for PeachPie, it's an incredible tool for us, PHP programmers out there!

jakubmisek commented 1 year ago

you can simplify a few calls there, if you reference the PHP project from your C# project, i.e.: ctx.Call("R::setup", "sqlite:./dbfile.db"); -> R.setup(ctx, "sqlite:./dbfile.db");


dynamic _user = ctx.Call("R::dispense", "user");
_user.Object.__set("username", "luiz.zaiats");


var user = R.dispense(ctx, "user");
user.__set("username", "luiz.zaiats");


RedBeanPHP.OODBBean v = kv.Value.Object as RedBeanPHP.OODBBean -> var v = kv.Value.Cast<RedBeanPHP.OODBBean>()

anyways; if you have the full stack trace of the "Unhandled exception", we can do something about it