peak / s5cmd

Parallel S3 and local filesystem execution tool.
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zero-width space in filename #727

Closed gustavojordan closed 4 months ago

gustavojordan commented 4 months ago

I'm encountering an issue with the cp command while trying to copy a file to an S3 bucket. The command I used is as follows:

cp --include=*.bho --include=*.bin --include=*.bmp --include=*.bsd --include=*.cab --include=*.cfg --include=*.cgi --include=*.cjs --include=*.css --include=*.ecf --include=*.eot --include=*.eps --include=*.gif --include=*.htc --include=*.ico --include=*.iml --include=*.inc --include=*.jade --include=*.jpeg --include=*.jpg --include=*.js --include=*.json --include=*.jst --include=*.m4v --include=*.md --include=*.mov --include=*.mp3 --include=*.mp4 --include=*.ogg --include=*.ogv --include=*.org --include=*.otf --include=*.pdf --include=*.plain --include=*.png --include=*.srt --include=*.svg --include=*.tif --include=*.tiff --include=*.tmpl --include=*.ttc --include=*.ttf --include=*.txt --include=*.vtt --include=*.vxml --include=*.wasm --include=*.wav --include=*.webm --include=*.webp --include=*.woff --include=*.woff2 --include=*.xml --raw=true x/y/z/fileNew\u200b.png s3://bucket/x/y/z/fileNew\u200b.png

Despite the file x/y/z/fileNew\u200b.png existing, I'm getting a "file not found" error. I guess the presence of a Unicode character (\u200b, a zero-width space) in the file path is likely causing the issue. Any insights or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!