pearofducks / ansible-vim

A vim plugin for syntax highlighting Ansible's common filetypes
MIT License
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Adopt a play/block/task approach in highlighting #76

Closed nkakouros closed 5 years ago

nkakouros commented 5 years ago

According to this, there are three types of keywords, play-, block- and task-level keywords. It would be nice to have different highlighting for those three groups.

There are also some keywords (like run_once) that are currently missing in general.

pearofducks commented 5 years ago

I don't agree with this.

First, distinguishing between a role/block/play become (or really any key based on level) sounds non-trivial. I'm not interested in further complicating the scope of this plugin.

Second, I don't agree that this brings extra value in highlighting - I'm not sure how it helps to have a block-keyword highlighted differently than a play-keyword - keywords are generally treated differently for what they do not where they are.

I am, however, interested in keeping the highlighting coverage in line with Ansible current keywords - feel free to submit a PR for any of those!