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Additional information for querying FIA #8

Closed ethanwhite closed 2 months ago

ethanwhite commented 7 years ago

Getting a properly cleaned up version of FIA for analysis is tricky. It's been a few years since we did this, but here's the SQL from that effort:

Data structures may have change since then, and the SQL is unnecessarily verbose, but it shows a number of cleanup steps that are probably still important to include. Back in 2012 there was a forest service employee on campus who was involved with FIA who was very useful in understanding how to do this correctly.

willpearse commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this Ethan. This cleanup looks tremendously useful; if it turns out to be relatively easy to make use of this, then I'll keep the FIA stuff in there, and if it doesn't (which I sense will be the case :p) it will probably be best to drop it rather than have something obviously wrong pushed through to users!