pearswj / buckminster

Digital Architectonics thesis project. Provides components for the generation of structural frames from free-form surfaces in Grasshopper (Rhino) using mesh operators and surface modelling techniques.
MIT License
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Trace principal directions #11

Open pearswj opened 11 years ago

pearswj commented 11 years ago

Mesh a surface by tracing lines through principal direction vector field.

See Dual Streamline Seeding - Method and Implementation.

pearswj commented 11 years ago

Peter Kipfer, Frank Reck, and Gu ̈nther Greiner. Local exact particle tracing on unstructured grids. Computer Graphics Forum, 22:133–142, 2003.

pearswj commented 11 years ago

Nielson and Jung. Tools for computing tangent curves for linearly varying vec- torfields over tetrahedral domains. Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 5:360–372, 1999.

pearswj commented 11 years ago,%20Tools%20for%20computing%20tangent%20curves%20for%20linearly%20varying%20vector%20fields%20over%20tetrahedral%20domains.pdf

pearswj commented 11 years ago