peartherapeutics / bitrise-aws-device-farm-file-deploy

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AWS Device farm file upload fails for the package type APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC #16

Open satheeshkumarf opened 5 years ago

satheeshkumarf commented 5 years ago

Hi Guys,

Can we please have a look on this issue:

We are trying to integrate Bitrise with AWS Device farm. AWS has introduced a new custom test environment option called "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC" for running automation tests.

As mentioned by AWS support, We tried to specify the package name as "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG_TEST_SPEC" in our Bitrise Workflow and the file upload step always fails.

However It works FINE, if I specify the type as "APPIUM_JAVA_TESTNG".

fadookie commented 5 years ago

All my step does is pass through these options to the AWS CLI. I would first try to test manually via the Device Farm GUI or the CLI and try to troubleshoot your issue.

It's possible that the version of the aws cli in the package manager for your VM is out of date and doesn't accept this option - can you post an error log and which stack you're using?

satheeshkumarf commented 5 years ago

Tested manually via the Device Farm GUI and it works fine.

fadookie commented 5 years ago

Can you post an error log and which stack you're using? Also, can you try with the AWS CLI and see if you can get it to work there, and post the version of the AWS CLI you're using?

It's possible to make a branch of this step with additional logging - you can do this yourself on a fork of this repo, or I can do it for you at some point if I have time. You can then edit your bitrise.yml to point to the branch or even a specific commit like so: