pebble-dev / RebbleOS

open source operating system for low-power smartwatches
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This might be a stupid question, but: where's the source code? #69

Closed brunobasto closed 5 years ago

ishotjr commented 5 years ago

@brunobasto not at all - thanks for asking! This repo is currently just for issues; source, which will eventually make its way over here one day, is presently here:

:bowtie: :blue_heart:

x29a commented 5 years ago

Please see still pending issue #24 which states that the code is here:

brunobasto commented 5 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for getting back! I just got my pebble this week and so far the thing I like the most is how alive the community is! You guys are awesome! Makes me want to contribute.. Will try to setup my development environment and see what I can help with.