pebble / pebblejs

Program the Pebble with simply JavaScript
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Menu section titles not centred [chalk] #140

Closed fletchto99 closed 8 years ago

fletchto99 commented 8 years ago

As of commit 38a07351188195e08cf8e721c508dfc5b67ed18a (the chalk update) menu section headers are not centred.


Meiguro commented 8 years ago

Ah, I missed this. On another note, I don't particularly recommend using section titles. They're useful for complex lists, but if you noticed, the Pebble firmware doesn't use them anywhere in 3.0, so it's very likely there are many other edge cases dealing with using section titles. Firmware 3.0 avoids section titles by increasing fan out to more windows, or reducing overall complexity of an app.

Edit: Also, thanks for testing out the basic chalk support! You caught many issues.

fletchto99 commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the fix! I'll look into updating my apps to conform more to the 3.X standards