The ES6 draft is still being completed but, in the meantime, we can start to take advantage of some new features: Promise, let, const, class, class Foo extends Bar, arrow functions, generators, iterators, native modules, block scoped variables... The list is long and the draft can be overwhelming but we can start to adopt ES6 gradually and incrementally. The alternative title of this talk is:
Cultural learnings of ES6 to make benefit glorious community of JavaScript
This lightning talk would probably cover, in lightning speed, some points like:
Stable language features we can use already.
Experimental features we can use but are subject to change and break your code.
Relevant ES6 -> ES5 compilers, node --harmony support, etc.
The ES6 draft is still being completed but, in the meantime, we can start to take advantage of some new features:
,class Foo extends Bar
, arrow functions, generators, iterators, native modules, block scoped variables... The list is long and the draft can be overwhelming but we can start to adopt ES6 gradually and incrementally. The alternative title of this talk is:This lightning talk would probably cover, in lightning speed, some points like:
node --harmony
support, etc.