Hexadecimal... Something you might have studied in Computer Science, but have probably gladly forgotten since! But you won't get far with the Internet of Things without being able to communicate with all those Connected Devices. Bluetooth communication is based around hex, so to use JavaScript, we'll need to cosy up to Uint8Array and get comfy with radix 16 parseInt.
Don't worry, we'll grok it before you can say 0xFAB!
Hexadecimal... Something you might have studied in Computer Science, but have probably gladly forgotten since! But you won't get far with the Internet of Things without being able to communicate with all those Connected Devices. Bluetooth communication is based around hex, so to use JavaScript, we'll need to cosy up to Uint8Array and get comfy with radix 16 parseInt.
Don't worry, we'll grok it before you can say 0xFAB!