peburrows / goth

Elixir package for Oauth authentication via Google Cloud APIs
MIT License
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Skipping auth with PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST #56

Closed arilaen closed 5 years ago

arilaen commented 5 years ago

Could authentication/credential logic be skipped when $PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST is defined, so that just the project_id key is included in the Goth config module? Other google cloud clients also use that environment variable:

Alternatively, the Kane pubsub library could be updated to use a mock Goth module in that case.

I was running an elixir app in docker against the emulator locally, and was running into an nxdomain error when goth tried to fetch metadata before creating a topic. It took a while for me to figure out that goth uses the default location of application credentials on my machine to authenticate when :json is absent (, which was why the library worked locally but not on the docker container.

If emulator support won't be added here, it may be helpful to handle that error with a more informative message ("Credentials missing" etc.)

arilaen commented 5 years ago

I got around this by using volumes with docker-compose:

      # If your credentials location is not this default location for UNIX
      # (i.e. you're on Windows), update source to your default credentials location
      - ~/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json:/root/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

Since there's a workaround I'll close this issue. If there's time it might still be nice to have more detailed docs/error logging around finding/missing the default credentials file when GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS is not defined.

matehat commented 4 years ago

For anyone arriving here while googling a solution to use pubsub emulator with Broadway's PubSub client, in addition to provide a dummy token generator like this:

  name: __MODULE__,
  producer: [
    module: {BroadwayCloudPubSub.Producer, [token_generator: {__MODULE__, emulator, []}]}

# further down

def emulator() do
  {:ok, "dummy token"}

you also need to override the default pubsub connection url:

Application.put_env(:google_api_pub_sub, :base_url, System.get_env("PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST"))

Of course, that's a simplified solution. You'd normally detect if you're dealing with an emulator, then provide these configurations.