pec1985 / TiDraggable

Native iOS and Android modules for Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile
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Child views #4

Open javichi opened 11 years ago

javichi commented 11 years ago

Not sure if this is a bug or it is the expected behavior...

I can not drag a draggable view if touch starts on a child view (label, text field, etc).

Thanks for your help

rdisanto commented 11 years ago


kosso commented 11 years ago

How about if you add bubbleParent:false to the other views?

pec1985 commented 11 years ago

Yeah... I have to figure that out. Definitely on my list of things to do.

MisterEvilGuy commented 11 years ago

I've created a big view called the Grid which is a container for the views that I can create called Elements. These elements are Draggable and also a child view of the Grid so I'm experiencing the same problem, except that my app crashes on Android 2.3.3 and 4.0

vpsouza commented 11 years ago

on your child itens, add this attribute: touchEnabled:false

It works for me (a view with 2 childs: 1 image and 1 label)

darknos commented 11 years ago

the first thank you for excellent module.

I tried to create sliding menu like Facebook and met the same problem with android - if I add any child to draggable view I can't drag the view. :( Could you look at this issue?

btw, it works prefect with subviews in iOS.

caspahouzer commented 10 years ago

Any news on adding dragviews as childs? I need this module so much on android!!