pec1985 / TiDraggable

Native iOS and Android modules for Appcelerator's Titanium Mobile
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Can't disable draggable view + miscellaneous #5

Open bitfabrikken opened 11 years ago

bitfabrikken commented 11 years ago

It seems you can't disable the draggable view made with Draggable.createView(). One would think that setting e.g. touchEnabled to false, would disable the drag funtionality, but it does not.

And: canRotate and canResize do not seem to do anything on Android. But that is perhaps because there's no multitouch support?

Also: Would be very nice if there were some hover functions. E.g. having an array of objects you're dragging over in the move event. Would then be very easy to make CSS style :hover things on elements.

Ps. thanks for an EXCELLENT module!!

pec1985 commented 11 years ago

There is a new property now called isDraggable, by default is set to true. Setting it to false will make it non draggable. About the pinch and zoom, still trying to make it work for android.

bitfabrikken commented 11 years ago

Thank you so much Pedro! :) Very nice work, and very fast too!

I'd like to request an additional feature, if you have the time - I do wish I myself had the skills to do so, but not yet.

It would be nice if there was some functionality to get the values of the rotation when rotating via. canRotate - and also some way of setting the rotation of the draggable - so you can start out by creating a rotated draggable view.

If you're curious what I need it for, it's for an app aimed at people with autism. The app has an editor which must be able to rotate elements, but also load elements and set the rotation previously saved. Currently I've done this with javascript and transforms, but I'd love to be able to use Ti.draggable to achieve this :)

Also feel free to smack me around if this isn't the proper place for feature suggestions!

thetaylorjones commented 11 years ago

the property is now called draggable.. which took me quite a while to figure out! Great module but might want to update your documentation. Thanks for the awesome work.

Softeqa commented 10 years ago

Thanks for this Pedro.

I can't find the property isDraggable (or draggable alluded to above) in iOs version 1.3.1? Am I missing something?

chrisribe commented 10 years ago

I have the same issue too, the isDraggable property does not seem to work (iOS version 1.3.1 from the compiled download link).

I tried recompiling master branch but the resulting .a file product name has changed and don't know how to proceed. Thanks

chrisribe commented 10 years ago

Ahhh missed what bronerd said the property is draggable NOT isDraggable. Thanks