pechorin / any-jump.vim

Jump to any definition and references 👁 IDE madness without overhead 🚀
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Support C/C++ macro and function prototype declarations #47

Open mike325 opened 4 years ago

mike325 commented 4 years ago

Macros and functions prototypes declarations are mark as references or not find at all

// Basic function prototyping
// <RETURN_TYPE> <function_name>(<args>);

void foo(...);
int foo(int m, float p);
CustomType foo(CustomType object, long m);
std::string foo(std::string object, long m);
auto foo(auto m);
float* foo();

// Basic macro definition
// #define NAME VALUE
#define MACRO_EX 1
#define MACRO_EX_2(x) func_call(x)
pechorin commented 4 years ago

Will add this in next releases, but language syntax additions not in current milestone :) (but any can help) I should write guide.

mike325 commented 4 years ago

With a guide of how to extend definitions/references I could take a look and make a PR to improve C/C++ cases 👍