pechorin / any-jump.vim

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Colors don't look good for light theme #49

Closed hoschi closed 3 years ago

hoschi commented 4 years ago

I saw that I can configure some colors, but not the main background color, is this correct? Light themes are hard to read at the moment:

peachpuff (built in) 2020-03-15-170214_1356x1370_scrot

solarized 2020-03-15-170118_1356x1370_scrot

pechorin commented 4 years ago

Yeah, see what any-jump not looks good in solarizied. I think i fix it in near release, thanks for support. For me it was not obvious moment while i developed current versionn of any-jump cause primarly i used ~5 themes, but now i see i need to test it more on some popular themes, maybe do some special bindings for most popular themes.

But currently you can configure your theme via let g:any_jump_colors = {}. Like this:

let g:any_jump_colors = {
      \"plain_text":         "Comment",
      \"preview":            "Comment",
      \"preview_keyword":    "Operator",
      \"heading_text":       "Function",
      \"heading_keyword":    "Identifier",
      \"group_text":         "Comment",
      \"group_name":         "Function",
      \"more_button":        "Operator",
      \"more_explain":       "Comment",
      \"result_line_number": "Comment",
      \"result_text":        "Statement",
      \"result_path":        "String",
      \"help":               "Comment"

If you find best combination for your themes please provide them with config and screen :) Thanks.

nrupatunga commented 4 years ago

Sorry for the less knowledge on this,

Can you explain what these individual settings mean,

let g:any_jump_colors = {
      \"plain_text":         "Comment",
      \"preview":            "Comment",
      \"preview_keyword":    "Operator",
      \"heading_text":       "Function",
      \"heading_keyword":    "Identifier",
      \"group_text":         "Comment",
      \"group_name":         "Function",
      \"more_button":        "Operator",
      \"more_explain":       "Comment",
      \"result_line_number": "Comment",
      \"result_text":        "Statement",
      \"result_path":        "String",
      \"help":               "Comment"
hoschi commented 4 years ago

@nrupatunga you can map highlight groups to positions used in the plugin, e.g. "help" text should look like "Comment". @pechorin I can't change the main background color with these settings, can I?

nrupatunga commented 4 years ago

Thank you @hoschi . I got the hang of it.

cschneid commented 4 years ago

I'm running into the same issue with illegible text on most of my themes. Can you control the color of the background of the popup box? The bright pink is not the best for most themes.

alayamanas commented 4 years ago

same problem, Can I change the color of the background of the popup box?

domi91c commented 4 years ago

I'm unable to change the background color as well. It seems to be associated with the Pmenu highlight value, but I don't want to change completion menu's background colour if I don't need to.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Yeah same here.

tengteng commented 4 years ago

I'm unable to change the background color as well. It seems to be associated with the Pmenu highlight value, but I don't want to change completion menu's background colour if I don't need to.

domi91c is right. It's Pmenu in vim colorscheme config. e.g, change/add below line in your ~/.vimrc/colors/WHATEVER_COLORSCHEME_U_R_USING.vim

hi Pmenu ctermbg=DarkGray guibg=DarkGray

Will change popup_menu color to DarkGray

pechorin commented 3 years ago

I add section to readme about this problem:

You should configure your Pmenu hl group. I try to find some ways to do local hl Pmenu but don't find anything usefull. Maybe nvim winhl can helps in some ways but i'm not sure.

So, thanks to all.