pechorin / any-jump.vim

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position of the symbol in the preview window #55

Open marconetto opened 4 years ago

marconetto commented 4 years ago

It seems the position of the symbol that is highlighted in the preview window is between first to third line. Is there a way to configure that or at least an option to make sure the highlighted symbol is in the middle of the space allocated to the preview text? Some times I would like to see some text on the above of the highlighted symbol... image

pechorin commented 4 years ago

Hello, where are already g:any_jump_preview_lines_count, but this variables control only lines count after keyword. I will add new option for setting preview lines count before keyword.

marconetto commented 4 years ago

Perhaps there could an option like g:any_jump_preview_centralize_symbol = 0|1. If 1, then the highlighted symbol gets centralized in the preview, that is the same number of lines is used above and below the highlighted symbol in the preview text area.
