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Unclear Adjusting Chunk Size Feature #73

Open AAKrasnova opened 10 months ago

AAKrasnova commented 10 months ago

Description (summary of feedback)

Users are discussing the ability to adjust the "size of the chunk" for a book. There are mentions about understanding its necessity, how to apply it, and steps to potentially utilize it.

Type (what triggered this feedback)

[✓] Insufficiently met need

Scope (how wide is the lens of this feedback)

[✓] Micro (related to specific product area, i.e., "chunk size" functionality.)

Associated Goal (what product goal could this affect)

[✓] Activation (Users who can't find right chunk size will not stick)

Raw quotes (share unfiltered statements)

Anastasia , [01.08.2023 14:34]

Я не понимаю, зачем ты постоянно трогаешь размер чанка. 😅😍

Кирилл , [01.08.2023 14:46]

Ну шоб удобно было текст под себя подстроить)) Покрутить повертеть Вот смотри, я добавляю текст. Понимаю что размер чанка меня не устраивает Я его кручу верчу

Кирилл , [01.08.2023 14:48]

Как применить новый чанк к существующей книге?

Кирилл , [01.08.2023 14:55]

Все разобрался ❤️

Anastasia, [01.08.2023 15:04]

Удалить книгу Установить новый размер Добавить книгу

Strength (how strong is the evidence for this)

[✓] Clustered (Multiple user statements around a specific feature: adjusting the "chunk size".)

Segment (what set of users does this pertain to)

New users

Other classifiers (select categories that apply)

[✓] Perceptional (There's a lack of awareness or understanding about how to utilize the "chunk size" feature.)

Traceback (specify a few users who felt this)
