pedroSG94 / AndroidReStreamer

Demo app to re stream from VLC
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Black screen when sending RTMP to Ant Media Server #7

Open VladVKozlov opened 2 years ago

VladVKozlov commented 2 years ago

Hi Pedro!

I'm testing with the sample app. I want to transfer video from IP wifi camera -> android phone (as wifi hotspot) -> Ant Media Server Community Edition I can get image on my phone emulator from the camera: image I see broadcasting stream being created in Ant Media's live app: image However, the video that I receive on ant media is black: image

The stream URL I use is: private val streamURL = "rtmp://"


  1. Do you have any suggestion why video transferred as solid black color?
  2. What media server did you use for testing RTMP stream for this solution?
VladVKozlov commented 2 years ago

I solved the problem. It appears, that stream does work from a physical phone, but does not from an emulator. I suggest this is due hardware decoding that is available on a real phone. So only one question left - what media server did you use for testing RTMP stream for this solution? I need one that has free low latency WebRTC player. Ant media has huge latency when stream is played in its LiveApp..