Open eth0izzle opened 3 years ago
I'm getting the same error on my end and have validated the same..
Any guidance is appreciated.
I've still not figured it out. Did you deploy the migrations?
The issue is that the function they included is meant to be called by the pair contract after they transfer tokens to you as part of a swap() call. They did not include the initial call to swap() in this example, so we are left to guess to figure out how to do that on our own.
Were you able to figure it out @cwazy2020 ?
Were you able to figure it out @cwazy2020 ?
the issue is the library UniswapV2Library.sol, the method getPair(...) have hard coded some init code that its developer dependant, so if u are using a sushi pair u might be using sushiswap's version of UniswapV2Library.sol, its available in their repo
Hey, I'm pretty new to the smart contract world - a lot of take in for sure. I've deployed your contract to mainnet and I'm trying to execute it but receiving a "execution reverted: Unauthorized" error. It looks like it might be from this line:
Any ideas what I could be missing? My wallet private key is correct and matches the account that deployed the flash contract.